With over 25 years’ experience delivering complex regulatory change programmes in many of the world’s leading financial institutions, RegTick have seen first-hand the importance of complete, accurate, secure, and timely access to compliance information. They have taken all this knowledge and built it into a cloud-based regulatory compliance platform with the help of Anaeko data engineering services.

Anaeko from the beginning of this project have put the needs of Regtick at the very centre of this platform’s development. The Anaeko approach is based upon developing a true partnership that goes beyond the traditional supplier relationship. We want to demonstrate our determination to become your Data Engineering services partner of choice both now and in the future. It is important to understand the needs of our customers, and in this case, we were able to identify what Regtick’s requirements were early in the project and deliver results quickly with minimal oversight. Because we are staffed with a higher than usual concentration of senior people, we can assemble very experienced self-reliant teams to minimise risk, accelerate delivery, and yield quality results.
“When we were selecting our implementation partner for Regtick, we had three clear decision criteria in mind:
- – Does the firm have the proven experience of working with firms as they grow from startups to scale ups so that we can benefit from this experience to deliver our product quickly?
- – Is there the breadth, depth and availability of resources we need now, as well as what we will need in the future as our product expands?
- – Is there an agile and collaborative mindset so that we can collectively create and develop the Regtick SaaS platform in a manner that continually delivers the maximum value in the shortest timeframe to Regtick’s customers?
We are pleased to have found these qualities in Anaeko and to select them as our AWS
Innovation Partner. We are looking forward to building on our relationship in the future.”
Gerry Murtagh, CPO, Regtick
Anaeko will always work with its customers to create a personalised and bespoke product offering in order to ensure that our customers’ needs are met before, during and after we have completed the project. We have a multi-disciplined team with a large number of our senior members having worked on many projects across a variety of sectors, rapidly deployed to suit our customer’s needs. By leveraging pre-formed experience from our resource pool, we can mobilise teams in days rather than months. 100% of our projects have commenced within one month of a confirmed request.
We engaged with Regtick, and hit the ground running, with user centred design and rapid prototyping services. Iterating rapidly over wireframes and designs creating an interactive prototype focused on user and stakeholder needs that could be brought to market in order to demo, evaluate, gather feedback and build towards Alpha, Beta, and product Launch deployments. Built on AWS Public Cloud with platform architecture design and delivery to achieve a modern, secure, and scalable application for increased pace of development and customer feature enhancements.
“I’d say the greatest benefit is that Anaeko has been an incubator for our platform, and this enabled us to focus on functionality from Day 1. This incubation materialised in the form of development tooling, dev and test environments, and of course people, and some of our core architectural foundations were established early on in our partnership with Anaeko. Taken collectively, these benefits have both accelerated and de-risked the development of our platform, and our journey to market.”
Adrian Hall, CTO , Regtick
Benefits for Regtick
- – Experienced Teams: trust built from the start with experienced senior development teams, ensuring quality development, that are an extension of the existing team.
- – Rapid Agile Delivery: in first three weeks of project start product prototypes created to demonstrate and prove product value. Agile, secure, and resilient infrastructure to increase pace of development for product launch.
- – Technical Know How: aligning with Regticks current team and slotting Anaeko technical experts into the team to provide industry leading cloud services with AWS technologies.
- – Innovation: teams aligned with Regtick business goals and back the growth of the business through combined knowledge and innovative solutions.
Regtick Free Trial
Regtick has launched its new ESG Express Trial. ESG Express is a visually intuitive approach designed to simplify and accelerate the design and delivery of ESG projects.
Read more about ESG