AWS Platform Automation

AWS Platform Automation from Anaeko

Automate for cost optimisation, operational efficiency, platform reliability, and consistent application of security and compliance controls with an AWS Platform Automation Solution from Anaeko. Reduce costs and enhance speed with confidence for safe and repeatable system rollouts and service updates.

Why AWS Automation for workloads is important

AWS Platform Automation Anaeko - Cost

Cost: Optimise your workload to achieve desired business outcomes at the lowest possible price point. Enable your IT staff to focus on accelerating your business objectives by unburdening them from repetitive labour-intensive tasks.

AWS Platform Automation Anaeko - Speed

Speed: Reduce or eliminate manual steps for application deployments and updates through automation. Improve on your recovery time objectives for critical workloads, underpinning service level agreements and protecting customer satisfaction ratings.

AWS Platform Automation Anaeko - Security

Security: Protect your customer data and your business reputation. Increase security posture with automated workload deployments and real-time security remediation, reducing the risk of malicious attack or human error.

We recommend our AWS Platform Automation Solution workload assessment to target areas for automation. Our assessment will qualify each area against your business and financial objectives.

With our Platform Automation Service we will:

1. Assess

Review workload processes and tooling to target areas for automation.

2. Plan

Develop an action plan for automation targets based on business and financial objectives.

3. Implement

Enhance platform automation, test effectiveness, and transfer knowledge.

Platform Automation by Anaeko will assist you in delivering more cost effective and reliable services, while also unburdening your staff from repeated manual tasks and allowing them to focus on more rewarding innovation and service improvement initiatives.

Optimise Cost of Service Delivery

Increase Operational Efficiency

Improve Deployment Speed

Enhance Application Resilience

Increase Security Posture and Compliance

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4 Key Areas for Automation

AWS Platform Automation - Infrastructure

Infrastructure: Implement automation for reliable and consistent deployment of multi-tier and distributed applications using best of breed Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tools such as Amazon CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), Terraform, Octopus Deploy, and Redhat Ansible.

AWS Platform Automation - Resilience

Resilience: Create a self-healing architecture with remediation products and scripts triggered from platform monitoring. Benefit from the full AWS suite of management and governance products, outlined in Anaeko’s AWS Observability Solution.

AWS Platform Automation - Testing

Testing: Continually verify your customer experience with synthetic monitoring of platform responses. Implement Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) automated test models to enable rapid low-cost validation of application updates.

AWS Platform Automation - Delivery

Delivery: Simplify rollout of service updates through Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines realised through products such as AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, AWS Elastic Container Registry, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, Octopus Deploy, Jenkins and RedHat Ansible supporting techniques such as Blue-Green, A/B, or Canary release.

Choose Anaeko as your AWS Automation Expert