AWS Reporting Accelerator

AWS Reporting Accelerator from Anaeko

Gain valuable insights from data you already have, from a flexible reporting platform designed and delivered for you by Anaeko in a 1-to-3 month timescale.

Move from being spreadsheet slaves to Business Intelligence (BI) masters, and confidently make data-driven business and operations decisions based on accurate KPIs and future trend analysis. We provide a solution to suit all budgets and deliver online reports that will delight users.

Choose a BI Reporting Solution that Delivers

aws reporting accelerator from anaeko speed

Speed: Agile delivery focused on your priorities. In the accelerator we combine data from up to 5 different sources and build up to 3 reports on high-priority areas. In fortnightly delivery sprints we demonstrate value to our customers from each step of the delivery cycle.

aws reporting accelerator accuracy

Accuracy: Gain confidence with reporting and understand limitations with your data. Anaeko works with customers to ensure reporting goals are met. Our data quality assessment considers completeness, accuracy, and consistency. We automate quality cleansing and enhancement during data extraction and transformation and loading (ETL).

aws reporting accelerator value

Value: Data processing, storage and presentation is cost-optimised, while also focussing on accessibility and security. Our solution, based on AWS platform-as-a-service products, promotes low management and low maintenance.

We recommend our AWS Reporting Accelerator to gain instant insights from your data and to identify opportunities to build a data-driven organisation. Rapidly achieve a flexible and future-proof reporting platform that your users will love.

With our AWS Reporting Accelerator we will:

1. Assess

We present recommendations on achieving your reporting goals, based on User Research for reporting gap analysis and a Data Discovery to explore opportunities.

2. Design

Solution Architecture based on blueprints and templates for automated data ingestion, cleansing, transformation, modelling, and reporting based on low-maintenance AWS products and services.

3. Implement

Deliver online reporting on a secure data store, transfer knowledge to the users, test effectiveness, and iterate for enhancements.

An AWS Reporting Accelerator from Anaeko will place you on a future-proof foundation to build a data-driven organisation, where your people have secure online access to useful, timely, and accurate reports. View our AWS Platform Automation Solution as part of our full suite of AWS services.

Gain Instant Insights

Increase Reports Accessibility

Improve Business Agility

Increase Operational Efficiency

Benchmark and Track Trends

Get started with an AWS Reporting Accelerator

Download our AWS Reporting Accelerator Brochure

6 Key Benefits from our Reporting Solution

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Data-Driven Organisation

Data-Driven Organisation: Benchmark business and operational performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measure improvement against targets.

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Confident Decisions

Confident Decisions: Reporting that is fit-for-purpose based on user research and on data quality you can trust.

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Insights and Learning

Insights and Learning: Derive deep learning on operational and business drivers, and track trends from existing data.

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Accessible

Accessible: Cater for all users in compliance with W3C WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards and data security compliance with reports built on your preferred BI tool: Amazon QuickSight, Amazon managed service for Grafana or Microsoft Power BI on AWS data store.

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Extensible

Extensible: Modifying or adding new reports or data sources to the established baseline reporting platform is relatively simple.

AWS Reporting Accelerator - Reliable

Reliable: Benefit from a highly fault-tolerant architecture, based on AWS platform-as-a-service products that are self-healing.

Choose Anaeko for your AWS Reporting Accelerator