Data Insights for NI Water Fleet Management
NI Water’s fleet of 600 vehicles are a familiar sight to the public, with staff providing an essential 24/7 service, 365 days a year, to all areas of Northern Ireland. As they do so vehicle reliability is an absolute priority to ensure the smooth running of services both day and night and in all weathers.
NI Water has an ambitious strategy to address the climate emergency and become carbon neutral by 2050. As the biggest user of electricity and the second largest landowner, they have a unique opportunity to do this by harnessing their assets for a wide range of environmental initiatives.
Northern Ireland Water are planning a lot of investment over the next few years to ensure that they protect public health and the environment for generations to come.

Anaeko analysed, ingested and consolidated internal and supplier data into a combined Azure data-warehouse and PowerBI dashboard that delivers data insights through KPI reports, historical trends and drill-down analysis across 12 critical reporting functions.
A complete fleet management solution had to report on the basics: up to date and accurate tracking of vehicles, their status and their assignments, mileage, certificates and servicing schedules, identify overage and over-mileage vehicles. It also had to provide a searchable, filterable and customised reporting experience to create an enhanced Fleet Asset Register that could be easily accessed across departments, divisions and uses.
The delivered reports provided customisable dashboards for individuals and departments with filtering and drill down for utilisation trend analysis, budget predictions, servicing life-cycle analysis, exception reports and Excel exports.
NI Water realised the following benefits from the solution:
- – Data insights, alignment and quality across suppliers – because of the reliance on specialist software and third-party suppliers, Fleet Management reports need to align data sets that are stored in multiple places and managed by different people on different synchronisation schedules.
- – Benchmark the past, track the present and predict the future - you can collect and model both historical and live data. Collect snapshots of the Fleet and model your data over time to analyse and compare cycles and predict trends.
- – Support multiple reporting interests and categories – it makes it easier to model performance between vehicles, across departments, vehicle uses and vehicle types. And promotes data re-use and standardisation across multiple different reporting functions for operational, strategic and tactical planning.
- – Analyse Fleet utilisation - it makes it easier to answer questions such as: is the vehicle distribution across departments, uses, and individuals efficient? Would a pool vehicle make more sense? Are there too few or too many vehicles of a particular type or in a particular department? What is typical usage, journeys and mileage per week or month, and what is the definition of an outlier?
- – Analyse the Fleet economic life-cycle - It allows Analysis of the cost of ownership creating a single view of capital and operational costs. Answer questions such as; when do vehicles need to be replaced? How do we build a candidate replacement list based on vehicle type and typical usage? When should we plan for introducing or expand electric vehicle assets and what might be the costs or benefits over a typical lifespan?
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